This week’s post will focus on a new tool to help you improve the structure of your links and increase conversation rates.
Structure Your Links!
You want to have a great resource that divides your link into various forms of data analytical charts. The link above is a great resource and guides you to a free resource that will do the following things:
1. provide you with graphs and charts that represent the type of links and their qualities
2. provide you with flow rank data
3. make a detailed view of the “Link Structure” of the page
4. give a number and list of all “Broken Lines”
Now to understand this better, I’m going to break down the purpose of the tool beyond what is listed above. Link Structure is just simply the name of the this new free resource. It allows you to study your SEO patterns, analyze, and optimize the structure of the webpage. The end-goal is to increase your PageRank flow through the output of statistics and other data results.
Increasing Conversation Rates
Overall, increasing conversation rates, whether they be through social media or Word of Mouth, the end goal is to use this increase of conversations to increase profits for your company. The use of landing pages is one way companies are increasing their conversations and engaging with potential customers. The link listed at the beginning of my blog post has some great insight. I particularly liked the definition of a landing page: “a landing page is the one displayed as a result of a search or just a click on a link, either from a SERP as an organic result or a paid one (banner, text ad, video ad) or even a link in a direct mail.” HOWEVER, for a company’s internal traffic, a landing page increases the chances and directs the reader to click on something–which industry calls a “vehicle”–and that leads the visitor of the website to a certain end goal…that may be to purchase something or to simply sign up for coupons received via mail or email to gather data for the company’s database.

SEO experts are primarily concerned with five categories of improvement. These five categories include:
1. Rankings
2. Links
3. Optimization
4. Keywords
5. Updates
Overall, you can increase the pagerank within your own website by having an effective visual layout that controls the eye flow of the website visitor. Colors, graphics, and fonts are essential to maintaining the viewer’s attention. Here is link to a helpful article that goes into more depth about the subject.
Good Luck! 🙂