Résumés are Your Runway

In the fashion world most models get booked based on their runway walk/experience. For the rest of us non-models, however, we get hired based on a little item called a résumé.  As everyone knows, résumés are extremely vital and having a good one compared to a great one can mean a world of a difference. There are little steps that you can take that will make a major difference. Pull up your resume and let’s get to work!

First thing to look at on your current résumé is if you have any repeating verbs at the beginning of your statements. For example, “Assisted marketing team…” and then “Assisted with events…” The word ‘assist’ is usually the word most people have on their résumé is often repeated. Even if you find it on their once, it’s not a powerful word, so let’s change it to something that is. There is actually a helpful Government web page that specifically lists different actions words you can use to better your résumé.
For Assisted you could use other words such as:

  • Advocated
  • Assessed
  • Demonstrated
  • Facilitated
  • Guided
  • Represented

Once you have replaced certain words with better verbs then you can really begin to pick apart your own résumé. What is just as bad as boring and bland words? Overused words! PR Daily recently published an article that specifically addressed the most over used words on résumés. The article looks at what to leave out in order to stand out. I think we can all admit that at one time or another “team player” was somewhere on our résumé. In fact, I think it’s still there… The article then breaks it down and that “Working well with others is a must for any role today. Provide examples of how you partnered with colleagues or individuals in other departments to meet an objective,” is a better way to get across the fact that you are indeed a’team player.’

The reason you should do this after you have changed words that you have repeated is so you can really learn what you want to say, but then realize how to say those things even better. The important thing to remember, is not to just always follow the advice of various blogs and websites. The real objective should be to always learn something to where you are then able to apply it in your daily life without having to always refer back to the article or post. Now go out into the work field and strut your stuff!

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different”
Coco Chanel

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