Do you ever open your Facebook just to find about a million self taken pictures, “selfies,” of one of your friends on your newsfeed? Why do people feel the need to post pictures of themselves at the gym? Furthermore, when did it become acceptable to have an entire album devoted to pictures you’ve taken of papers or tests on which you have received an A? All of these things are a no-nos in my book, but sometimes it seems like I’m the only one! Interested in finding out whether some things you may be doing on social media are bragging or friendly sharing? If so, keep reading.
When I was younger, my mom would advise me to be private and not to boast or brag, as it was assuredly very rude. Didn’t everyone’s mother tell them the same thing? Well, apparently not. It seems that our society is too wrapped up in image and how people view them. It is impossible to be absolutely perfect, but it seems that many people try to showcase what they see as a perfect image on Facebook. However, my advice is that this is not the perfect image, and there are people out there who think many of the commonalities on Facebook are quite rude! Below I have compiled a list of some common potential picture indiscretions I’ve seen on Facebook and my verdict as to what is bragging and what is just sharing.
1. Selfies – I’ve mentioned in one of my previous posts that I am not a fan of these types of pictures. The occasional picture of yourself is totally acceptable, but it is NOT ok to have picture after picture you have taken yourself. You just look vain and self absorbed. If almost all of your profile pictures are self taken, possibly in a mirror, or in the car, then you should possibly reconsider what you are putting out there. Once in awhile this type of picture is ok because maybe there was great lighting or your hair looked particularly luscious that day. On a regular basis though, try to showcase yourself in a more interesting way than just a selfie in your bathroom mirror.
2. Pictures at the gym – Unless you are a fitness instructor trying to market your skill set on Facebook, this is not ok. Aren’t you supposed to be working out, not showcasing your latest hot pink VS sports bra and leopard yoga pants? If you are looking good while at the gym, you probably aren’t doing it right. I get that people are trying to be motivational by showing their before and after pictures on Facebook where they later have a 6 pack or a rock hard butt…but people, come on. When people look at these pictures they aren’t saying “Wow, how motivational!” they are saying “Wow, why are they uploading so many pictures of themselves NOT actually working out?”
3. Pictures of good grades – No, no, no…just no. This is never ok. I absolutely cannot think of a time when this is acceptable. Call your parents if you want congratulations on your that A you received on a paper. This is definitely bragging, not just friendly sharing. It is great that you worked hard and achieved a high score, but it isn’t appropriate to run around telling people.
What do you think when you see these type of pictures? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts? Leave a comment below and let me know!
**PREVIEW** Next blog post will be my interview with Lindsay Buchanan, current junior at Howard University, and budding PR professional. Make sure to check back next week to hear what she has to say!