It’s that time of the month again ladies, the monthly breast exam has called your name. According to John Hopkins Medical center, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” Most women who perform these monthly breast exams a become familiar with their breasts, and b, are so familiar that when and if they feel a lump they can contact their healthcare professional right away. If you are wondering, how in the hell do I give myself a breast exam, have no fear we’ve got you covered.   There are three recommended ways.


1.) In the Shower

Take the pads of your fingertips and move them around your entire boob in the motion of a circle from the outside to the center. Don’t forget about your armpit area! Check each month for any lumps, thickening or hardened knots.

2.) In Front of a Mirror


Look at your boobs with your arms down at your side. Then raise your arms high above your head. Look to see for a changing in the contour, if there is any swelling, dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipples. Lastly, rest your palms on our hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles. Each boob will not look exactly the same so again look for any dimpling, puckering or changes to either side.

3.) Lying Down


When you lay down your breast tissue spreads evenly out along your chest. Put a pillow under your left shoulder and your left arm behind your head. Use your right hand to move the pads of your fingertips around your left boob in those small circular motions again covering the entire boob area and armpit. Repeat this step on right side. Lastly, squeeze your nipple to check for discharge and lumps.

Signs and symptoms of breast cancer can vary from person to person. As a disclaimer, these signs and symptoms I am about to share with you do not automatically mean you have breast cancer!  If you notice a change in how your breast or nipple feels. Nipple tenderness or a lump or thickening in or near the breast or underarm may be a sign. If you notice a change in the skin texture or that the pores on the skin on your boob are larger. Some say it may feel the like an orange peel’s texture. Another sign is a change in the breast or nipple appearance meaning there is an unexplained change in size or shape or a nipple that is inward or inverted. Lastly, any nipple discharge that is clear of blood.


Please remember if you discover a lump or any of these signs or symptoms to contact your healthcare provider, but also know it may not be breast cancer. It is better to have a doctor look at it than self-diagnose yourself because it is most often the symptoms are not cancerous. I’ll leave you with this video from BuzzFeedYellow’s Ladylike bit. Watch these four ladies learn everything you need to know about breast exams from Dr. Sherry Ross, MD.