Written By: Nick M.
Edited By Andrew A.
Homelessness is something that is prevalent in the city of Austin, Texas. As you drive through the streets under bridges and on the side of the road, you can’t help but notice the homelessness crisis. Tents and collected objects are scattered throughout the city, creating small clusters of those without permanent shelter.
The question that starts to form is: “What are the causes of homelessness?” Austinecho.org defines four major causes of homelessness with: lack of affordable housing, lack of affordable healthcare, abuse & trauma, and racial inequality.
Lack of Affordable Housing
Austin is increasingly becoming more expensive to live in. As certain areas of Austin get developed, it raises the price of housing for the individuals that live in the area. This then creates the issue of being able to afford housing and sustain a stable source of income for individuals to live off.
According to Austinecho.org, “ in Austin, a minimum wage worker would need to work 125 hours a week just to afford a one-bedroom apartment.”
Lack of Affordable Healthcare
While housing causes an issue of expenses, unpaid medical bills can lead to many other financial burdens for individuals. According to Austintexas.org, “approximately one quarter of the population aged 18 to 64… does not have health insurance, and cost is a barrier to health care for many.” In a world where substance abuse and mental health issues are on the rise, people may come into need of medical assistance. These bills can cripple the financial status of many individuals causing them to be unable to pay bills and have major setbacks. Ultimately this could lead to untreated health problems as well as financial struggles that lead to people being unable to pay for housing.
Abuse & Trauma
According to Austinecho.org, “in Austin, 72% of people experiencing homelessness report that their homelessness was caused by trauma or abuse.” This is one of the leading causes for homelessness. This abuse or trauma can occur in relationships, family life, etc. When this abuse or trauma occurs, it can turn the individual’s life upside down. This can force an individual to have to flee, abandoning their house, finances, and other belongings.
Racial Inequality
Especially throughout the last year, systemic racism is something that has been seen in society. This likely puts people of color at a disadvantage for things such as background checks for housing, educational resources, and economic opportunities. 2020 has been a tough year for many of these individuals, and these setbacks (even if they appear minor) can deeply affect people’s status of living in a negative way.
How Can I Help?
Homelessness in Austin is an issue with several causes. You may be asking yourself, “how can I contribute to help with this crisis?” Some of the best ways to contribute is with your time and donations. Below are several links to organizations and nonprofits that provide solutions for the causes of homelessness:
Tags; Homeless, Causes, Help, Time, Donations, Austin.