Shelby Charette
November 17, 2015
The Way Things Go Reflection
The video was of a Rube Goldberg machine. These machines are created to be over-engineered which uses many levers and contraptions, in order to complete a simple task. Just by usually starting the machine at the beginning, you start a reaction and then let gravity and the machine do the rest of the work. These brilliantly engineered machines are usually so complex, yet the endings tend to be uneventful. The whole idea of the machine is to start from the beginning and build upon the machine until the very end. It is all just a process of working step by step. In the beginning of the video, it was not so exciting. It kick started, and the chain reaction was merely just simple techniques to move along. Although, I believe the middle towards the end of the video was the best part, because the inventor started including more extravagant transitions, and started using fire in the contraption. Unfortunately, the end was somewhat disappointing, only to dump a solution into another un-indentified solution in order to make dry ice (I suppose).