In this project, I worked in After Effects to make a hypothetical, futuristic representation of an interactive weather map. I feel like I definitely made immense improvement in my after effects skills. In the beginning it was a slow process making just one of the LATCHs, but towards the end, I saw that my pace was changing, and it became easier to do as time went on. I challenged myself in this project. And for sure, one thing that is definitely important is the little details, and knowing why you make every design decision that you did. I knew before hand that organization was important, but when you are working with over 100 layers, you learn to organize your stuff better to make your life easier. Definitely a life lesson there. I learned how important a type face is to the design, like how the design of the things around the typeface go well with the typeface and what you are trying to portray. Your work has to be cohesive, and flow nicely. I believe my After Effects skills have improved dramatically in using this project. There was so much that went into this project, and I believe it made me a better designer in so many ways.