Keeping it Plane and Simple

Hello, Rachel Rivera here. A recent newlywed looking to seek new adventures, create new memories, and add more stamps to my passport. Here I share tips and tricks when traveling locally and nationally, with my stamps of approval. Enjoy, and Happy Stamping!

My love for travel began when I took my first international trip to Guatemala. Throughout this trip, I was able to experience a new culture, new foods, nature’s beauty, and a new country filled with various adventures. According to the TSA, approximately 1,900,258 people traveled on a day like today (TSA, 2021) with enough research and guidance that can be you in the near future!

In this blog series, you will learn more about my background, new tips and tricks about traveling locally and nationally, and what destinations are the right fit for you. My hope is to get your Stamp of Approval and be able to use my tips and tricks for your next travel destination and maybe even fit me in your suitcase if possible.

Hope to see you on the next plane, I mean post. Until next week!



TSA. (2021). TSA checkpoint TRAVEL numbers (current year versus PRIOR Year(s)/same weekday). TSA checkpoint travel numbers (current year versus prior year(s)/same weekday) | Transportation Security Administration.

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