Streaming Videos
Quick Links: Specific Film | Films on a Topic | Browsing Films
Searching for a Specific Film
1. If you have a specific movie you are looking for, type the title of the movie into the Library Search bar on our homepage. The search will be more accurate if you put the title in quotation marks, such as “Fahrenheit 9/11”.
2. Click on the FILTER arrow to show more search filter options. Change the Item type to Videos.
3. Click on the magnifying glass icon to conduct your search.
*If you do not find the specific film you want, go to the library’s website, choose “Databases” under “How may we help you” and enter “video” in the search bar. This will bring up all of the library’s subscription databases with streaming video content. You will need to search each database individually. There are thousands of streaming videos in our subscription database collections that are not discoverable in the Library Search bar – see the instructions at the end of this article, “Browsing for Streaming Films.”

Searching for Films by Topic
If you are looking for a film about a certain topic or keyword, enter the topic/keyword into the Library Search bar on our homepage. Use the FILTER arrow to limit the Item type to Videos. Then click on the magnifying glass to conduct your search.

Browsing for Streaming Films
If you are not sure what film you would like to watch and simply want to browse films that are available to you at the Munday Library, go to our homepage and click on the Databases link.

Once on the databases page, type in video to see a list of our streaming video databases. You may click on each database link to browse their collections.