Art Research Databases
Oxford Art Online– Oxford Art Online is a great place to begin your research on a particular artist, work, technique, or movement. The database includes over 5,000 images and links out to an addition 40,000 images. Formerly known as Grove Art Online, this database has been expanded to include The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and the Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Also offers ongoing additions of new and updated articles, over 3,000 thumbnail art images and line drawings displayed in the text of articles, extensive image links, and sophisticated search and navigation tools.
Films on Demand– Over 500 educational films about art and architecture from The History Channel, PBS and more.
Credo Reference– Credo contains 250 reference books, some of which are related to art. Titles include The Bridgeman Art Library Archive, Critical Terms for Art History, and the Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms.
JSTOR– JSTOR is an archive of scholarly journals, covering many academic disciplines including art and architecture.