How this course supports the St. Edward’s University’s Mission and Operating Principles

Your experiences in this course are designed to support the SEU mission and operating principles. Many of the topics we address throughout the semester will be social problems that our society is currently struggling with.  As you learn about the topics and related sociological theories, you will be asked to:

  1.  engage in “critical and creative thinking … to analyze problems, [and] propose solutions.”[1]
  2.  “develop an understanding of the human person that is derived from reason and open to faith”2

The sociological study of individuals and groups in this class will help to prepare you to “confront the critical issues of society and seek justice and peace . . . [,] to understand [your]selves, and clarify [your] personal values.”2  Moreover, you will be encouraged to determine your own level and type of “responsibility to the world community.”2  In addition, throughout the course, I will seek to create an environment that honors the dignity2 of everyone in the classroom, in addition to the people we study.  Finally, we will all take risks2  throughout the semester as we articulate our interpretations and analyses of sociological topics.

This class will be guided by SEU’s operating principles[2] as we work through collaboration, treat each other respectfully, take responsibility for excellence, engage in open communication, and work to understand and promote diversity.


Quick Links to Information and Policies

  1. Attendance
  2. Academic integrity and plagiarism
  3. Citations Guidelines
  4. Grading rubrics and feedback
  5. How this course supports St. Edward’s University’s mission and operating principles
  6. Library use
  7. Laptops, Tablets, or Phones in Class
  8. Problematic Classroom Behavior
  9. Students with Disabilities
  10. Turning in an assignment late

[1] St. Edward’s University. 2005-2013. “Mission Statement.”  Retrieved from

[2] St. Edward’s University. 2005-2013. “Operating Principles”  Retrieved from