I am happy to write letters of recommendation for my students. Watching students successfully obtain scholarships and/or head off to exciting graduate and professional programs is one of my favorite parts of being a professor! However, before you request a letter, please review the following:
- First, please consider whether I am in the best position to write you a glowing letter.
- I will need to comment on your performance in my class(es). Did you do well? If not, were there extenuating circumstances that I can discuss in the letter?
- Based on your performance in class (and/or working with you as a TA/RA), can I provide positive comments about your punctuality, work ethic, attitude towards me/your peers, level of participation, conscientiousness, and ability to work independently?
- Admissions offices often request that professors comment on students’ maturity, character, attitude, etc. Have I had the opportunity to get to know you well enough to offer detailed comments in this area?
- Please give me time to consider your request and compose a letter (ideally at least 4 weeks before the due date). That said, if I have written you a letter of recommendation previously, 2 weeks before the deadline will be fine.
- Professors are often juggling lots of tasks competing for their time. If you have not heard from me about your letter, please send me a reminder a few days before the deadline.
- If I have agreed to write you a letter, provide me with the following information for each program/institution/scholarship that you are applying for:
- The organization’s prompt for the letter (typically a form to fill out, or instructions for recommenders)
- A copy of your personal statement
- A brief explanation of why you are pursuing this scholarship/degree program, and what you hope to get out of it
- Contact information for the program (to include in the letter)
- Instructions for how to submit the letter
- A current resumé