Unknown Plant

This unidentified plant brings images of underwater vegetation to the forefront of my head. It looks like its waving with the gentle caress of an underwater current. I find it interesting that it’s almost white in color, instead of green. Someone should tell this plant’s chlorophyll to get back to work.


Unknown Flower

This unidentified flower has small yellow buds at the end of its thin stem. It reminded me of a flower that is an important plot device in a movie called Stardust. In the movie, a witch gives a man a flower that she says will give him good luck. It turns out that the flower is enchanted to ward off evil magic. I doubt this flower will provide the same effects, but its still comforting to see on the way to statistics class.


Unidentified Flower

I have no idea what kind of flower this is. I think it is really pretty though. There is something endearing about its circular shape. Its delicate petals are soft to the touch, and they emit a nice aroma. These are planted around the Holy Cross Seal, a fitting location for such a beautiful flower.


Unidentified Plant

I think this might be a Chinese Holly. I am 99% sure it is a holly in general though. This bush is the bane of every hyperactive 6-year-old, as it is less than forgiving towards those who accidentally fall into it. The tips of the leaves are sharp and prickly., and I get flashbacks sometimes when I see them. I am not sure if the berries are edible, but I should find out. They could be a great quick snack in between classes.


American trumpet vine

These vines provide an elegant aesthetic to the sitting area outside of Moody Hall. I was sitting there before I took this picture, drinking a coffee. I looked up, and was struck by the beauty of the orange and red blooms. These trumpets will be blooming all summer long, no matter how hot it gets. I wish I could flourish in the heat like that.


Texas Live Oak

Sorin Oak serves as a beautiful example of the Texas Live Oak. These trees commonly grow upwards of 50 feet tall, with trunks of 4 feet in diameter or more. If you haven’t taken a moment to really visit Sorin Oak, I recommend it. There is something epic about this tree that really makes you realize how awesome nature can be. Its also a great place to think and reflect after a long day.


Heavenly bamboo

I was a little incredulous when someone on iNaturalist ID’d this as heavenly bamboo, but I realized why after I googled it. The leaves turn into a dark crimson during the Fall, and it really is dazzling. Interestingly, heavenly bamboo is classified as an invasive species on texasinvasives.org. Who knew a plant with such a nice name could be capable of displacing native species and disrupting plant communities?


Fox Squirrel

Fun Fact: Fox squirrels were an important source of meat for European settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries. Luckily that practice grew out of style, because these are truly the cutest animals on campus. I found this squirrel in the middle of a showdown with a grackle. When I left, they were still completely still, staring at each other.



The common Grackle is… you guessed it, really really common. These can be seen all around campus bullying squirrels and humans alike. This little guy was particularly un-photogenic, as if he was intentionally avoiding standing still for a picture. Oh well. Grackles, am I right?
