

I found this plant outside the JBWS building, close to the side of the Carter auditorium. It was my first iNaturalist post, so it took me a few times to get it right. The shape of this plant reminds me of the clovers from Horton Hears a Who. I’ve studied by this spot many times before, but I had never noticed these plants before. When I saw it, I searched for one of those signs in the ground that would designate what type of plant this is. I then remembered that despite the fact these plants are located in an educational setting, our school gardens are not botanical gardens. However, I think signs below plants at school would be helpful in terms of informally educating students about botany. There aren’t many people who get to take a class to learn the difference between a maple and an oak tree. It’s something that would be nice for people to walk past and think about. I think there are a few of these already in the herb gardens by JBWS. It would be a neat project for a class to figure out all of the different plants on campus and label them for fellow students.

iNaturalist: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/5433888

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