Purple Coneflower

One of the best ways to describe this flower is by using the word “droopy.” The Echinacea purpurea is a beautiful and long flower with petals that droop downward from a brown, spiny central disk. Aside from the fascinating information I learned about the flower, I think the most significant detail is the fact that this flower serves a purpose other than aesthetic beauty – it can be used to cook healing, herbal tea. The flowers create an extract that may be turned into a pill or liquid that can be sold in pharmacies or health stores as a supplement that strengthens the immune system. I find this particularly interesting because I would have never expected that this beautiful flower had any sort of practical qualities. When I found this flower on campus, it came up to my waist. It was a statement flower that stood proudly over the shrubbery surrounding it. Little did I know that it was a powerful flower in more ways than one.

Source: http://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=ecpu

Observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/5489649

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