Blanket Flowers

I was attracted to the Blanket flower because of its vibrant color; the bright yellow and fire truck red that decorated the petals made the flower stand out against the grass background. Blanket flowers usually grow to be 10-12 inches in height and are considered “low maintenance” flowers that can be grown in the home or in home gardens. With a solitary flower head, the petals on these flowers are alternately arranged, varying the shape and style of the flower. They belong to the Gaillardia genus of the sunflower family, hence the bright coloration. St. Edward’s specifically, one can find an abundance of these flowers along the South Congress Ave entrance to the campus. Despite their home here on the hilltop, these flowers actually inspired the school colors of Texas State University (maroon and old gold). Out of all of my observations, I think this was the most beautiful. It is hard to ignore these flowers.



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