10+ Things To Do While Self-Quarantining

10+ Things To Do While Self-Quarantining

Written by Emily Ram, Edited by Victoria Licona

Welcome back Ocean Olympians! We hope y’all are staying safe and healthy during this global health crisis.  While we are aware that our mission is not to raise awareness about COVID-19, we want to make sure that all of our Ocean Olympians are doing their part in preventing the spread of this deadly disease. We really encourage all of you lovely people to do the following:

  • Stay home
  • Practice Social Distancing
  • Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals
  • Wash hands often with water and soap (20 seconds or longer)
  • Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry your hands
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands or after touching surfaces
  • Clean and disinfect “High-Touch” surfaces often
  • Call before visiting your doctor
  • Practice good hygiene habits

We completely understand that staying at home and social distancing may sound so unbelievably boring to you, but it is so crucial in slowing down COVID-19’s spread. Here are some fun, ocean-friendly ways that you can spend your free time during quarantine:

1. Start doing yoga

8 Great Beginner Yoga Poses - Namaste

2. Follow along with an online workout video

  • Our team really enjoys: https://www.youtube.com/user/joannasohofficial

3. Cook or bake something new

  • There are so many great recipes out there! Don’t be afraid to try something new!

4. Learn how to sew

  • If you do learn how, then you can start making fabric masks to donate to local hospitals in need during this outbreak.

5. Upcycle your clothes (EX. tie die old shirts, cut old jeans into shorts)

  • There is so much you can do with a piece of fabric! Make something new from your old!

6. Learn how to juggle

  • Start with two tennis balls and see how many you can add in!

7. Learn a TikTok dance (no matter what age you are, this can actually be kinda fun)

  • Renegade’s is a great first dance to learn. Here’s a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MvjnpK3Jrw

8. Learn a trick (EX. handstands, back-bends, aerials)

Pin by Emma Lassen on life | Yoga handstand, Yoga benefits, Yoga ...

9. Blow bubbles

  • This may sound childish but boy, it can be entertaining for a bit.

10. Hula-hoop

  • Not only can this be fun, but it can also help you to burn calories and get a smaller waist!

11. Jump-rope

  • This can be fun AND help you lose weight!

12. Chalk your sidewalk

  • Another thing that sounds childish, but once you start, HEY, you might have fun!

13. Sketch/Paint something

  • Here’s some inspiration to get you going: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUSToY5Celk

14. If its sunny, lay in the sun

  • Just because you’re distancing from others doesn’t mean you can’t lay out! Hey, you can even take a nap outside instead of in your bed.

15. Ride a bike (or learn how to…)

  • Here is a link in case you don’t know how to ride (no shame if you can’t, one of our team members is just learning now): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqmzwVrkTU4

16. Learn how to sing or dance

  • Because lets face it, who doesn’t want to be an amazing dancer or singer?

17. Do a group Facetime or Zoom call with friends

  • You can still socialize when social distancing…Just it has to be from a distance!

18. Start watching a new series

  • All American, Tiger King, On My Block, Jane the Virgin, and Narcos are some of the many series our team loves!

19. Learn how to code

  • This article can help you get going towards your coding goal: https://lifehacker.com/top-10-ways-to-teach-yourself-to-code-1684250889

20. Have a themed dinner with your family (ex. zoo theme could have everyone come dressed in animal print and you could eat monkey bread for dessert)



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