Where will the Portal take you today?

You might have noticed the bright gold box between Andre Hall and the Munday Library.  That box is a Shared Studios portal — a technologically decked-out space that can transport you to meet with someone or a group of people in countries around the world.  “Take On Your World” St. Edward’s University.

You can read more about the Portal in my prior post here.

To make a reservation for your journey, visit the Shared Studies Reservation WebSite for St. Edward’s University.

The “Book a Time” link will take you to a calendar view where you can click on a posted time and RSVP.  The times currently on the calendar are just the beginning and more times will be added as the schedule gets built out.  

Here are some links to stories to learn more about the Portal:

Tweet about your experience in the portal:  @sharedstudios, @stedwardsu and use the hash tag:  #SEUPortal.

The Portal has been brought to you by the Office of Information Technology (OIT), Instructional Technology, the Global Engagement Office (GEO), the School of Humanities, the School of Natural Sciences, Facilities Management, St. Edward’s University, and Shared Studios.

Spring 2016 NSCI Advisory Board Meeting

In his two years as Dean of Natural Sciences, Dr. Gary A. Morris has enjoyed meeting with the NSCI Advisory Board each semester.  This spring’s meeting marked a special occasion as Dr. Bob Wilems (’63) handed over the reigns as chair of this board to Nick Cristea (’09).  The members of the Advisory Board thanked Bob for his many years of service leading the board and look forward to his continued contributions as a member of the board.

Bob Wilems (right) hands off leadership of the NSCI Advisory Board to Nick Cristea (center), with Dean Gary A. Morris (left).

Bob Wilems (right) hands off leadership of the NSCI Advisory Board to Nick Cristea (center), with Dean Gary A. Morris (left).

This spring’s agenda featured a visit by CS Prof. Bilal Shebaro and students from his mobile app class, Sophie Gairo, Gage Martin, Marisa Bisaga, and Chloe Becker.  They presented their work leading a session at the CCSC conference (held at SEU earlier this month) on mobile app development in which they taught current CS professors how to build mobile apps.  The also talked about their experience during the Apple TV hack-a-thon as well as the new opportunities provided by the NSCI seats at the Capital Factory.

Next, Munday School of Business Dean Nancy Schreiber and Career Center Director Ray Rogers presented information on our internship matching program with the Austin Tech Council and the developing and deepening relationships between NSCI and MSB students and programs.

Dr. Morris gave an overview of 2015 – 2016 accomplishments in NSCI, including faculty publications, student awards, and recent grant awards (including the Steelcase grant).

Mr. Michael Lykaios Guerrero presented information on our existing 3+2 engineering partnerships, our partnership with Notre Dame for the ESTEEM program, and our developing partnerships in the health professions.

Mr. Michael Morelius and Ms. Kristina Bachman then gave a presentation on 2015 – 2016 accomplishments in Advancement, with special attention to pledges and contributions to NSCI and Wild Basin.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch around noon.  Many Advisory Board members then attended the annual Senior Seminar presentations.