Summer Research at Chinese University of Hong Kong – due 2/28/17

Forwarded by Assoc. Vice President Bill Clabby of GEO:

Summer @ CUHK

Summer Undergraduate Research Programme 2017

The Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) is now inviting applications from overseas undergraduate students. SURP enables undergraduates from overseas universities to undertake short-term research attachments at CUHK during the summer under the supervision of its faculty members. Upon successful completion of the programme, they will be awarded three credits. Apart from the academic component, the programme also provides cultural activities to enrich the learning experience of the students while they are in Hong Kong.

Dates:  25 June – 20 August 2017 (8 weeks)

Fees:  HK$1,580 for administration fee & HK$7,000 for housing (optional)


and others…

Apply online through 28 February 2017.  Decisions will be announced in April 2017.

SEU Portal Extended through November 13

Consider finding 20 minutes to spend with someone halfway across the world.  It may change your life, or their’s!  Check out the Shared Studios Portal project website.  Make your reservation today.  Currently facilitating visits with Rwanda, Honduras, Gaza, and Mexico City!

This experience is open to all:  students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members.

Take on your world!

Where will the Portal take you today?

You might have noticed the bright gold box between Andre Hall and the Munday Library.  That box is a Shared Studios portal — a technologically decked-out space that can transport you to meet with someone or a group of people in countries around the world.  “Take On Your World” St. Edward’s University.

You can read more about the Portal in my prior post here.

To make a reservation for your journey, visit the Shared Studies Reservation WebSite for St. Edward’s University.

The “Book a Time” link will take you to a calendar view where you can click on a posted time and RSVP.  The times currently on the calendar are just the beginning and more times will be added as the schedule gets built out.  

Here are some links to stories to learn more about the Portal:

Tweet about your experience in the portal:  @sharedstudios, @stedwardsu and use the hash tag:  #SEUPortal.

The Portal has been brought to you by the Office of Information Technology (OIT), Instructional Technology, the Global Engagement Office (GEO), the School of Humanities, the School of Natural Sciences, Facilities Management, St. Edward’s University, and Shared Studios.

Portal to the World Arriving at St. Edward’s – Sept. 2016

What would you do if you had 10 minutes to communicate with someone from the other side of the world? Share a meal?  Share a song?  Perform a short play? Would you speak?  What if you didn’t know the language? How do we communicate with others in cultures different from our own?  What can we learn about each other and ourselves?

Starting 30 August 2016 and continuing throughout September, St. Edward’s University will host a portal (a technologically enhanced shipping trailer) from Shared Studios.  The gold colored portal will be on our campus to provide our students, faculty, and staff as well as Austin area schools and our Austin community family members a chance to connect to a part of the world they might otherwise never experience in person.

Take on Your World in the Shared Studios Portal.  Learn more about what others have done on Instagram for Shared Studios and on YouTube and see the significant media coverage of this groundbreaking project that we now have the chance to bring to our campus.

More details to come, including reserving times for your planned activities.  Watch for future posts with more information.

How will you spend your time in the Portal?  And where will you go?

This project is coming to St. Edward’s thanks to the efforts of the Office of Information Technology with support from faculty and staff in Instructional and Emerging Technology, the Global Engagement Office, the School of Humanities, and the School of Natural Sciences.

NEW INFO:  Here’s a link to the sites with which the portal will be connected: