Opportunities at Capital Factory for NSCI Students in 2018

Thanks to the generous support of a donor, the School of Natural Sciences is happy to announce the availability of three student co-working seats at the Capital Factory in downtown Austin.  The tech hub and start-up incubator has been an Austin landmark for years, and offers wireless internet, access to entrepreneurs and business mentors, and numerous seminars and presentations.  We are delighted to offer three students the chance to spend time at Capital Factory to pursue a project of their own design.

Eligible students will be majoring in the sciences, mathematics, computer science, or environmental science.  It is expected that students regularly spend time at the Capital Factory as part of their project, with more significant effort in the summer when classes on the main campus are not in session.  Project proposals may be for just the summer or may extend through the Fall semester as well.

A faculty member from NSCI will be present regularly to provide mentorship and guidance to students working on projects there.  Checking in with that faculty member is required for students working at Capital Factory as well.

For more information, please contact nscidean@stedwards.edu.

To apply, please fill out this survey.

Applications will be accepted through Friday, 11 May at 5 pm.

It is anticipated that projects at Capital Factory may begin as early as 15 May.

Scholarships through the Texas Space Grant

SEU joined the Texas Space Grant Consortium last fall.  For the first time, therefore, our students are eligible to apply to their scholarship program:


The deadline for applying is 27 April.

Good luck!


Dr. Anne Foundas Biology Seminar on Tuesday 4/10 at 5 PM

The Biology Department is pleased to host Dr. Anne Foundas, Professor of Neurology and Psychology at the LSU School of Medicine for the last seminar of the year. 

Spring Job Fair – Thursday, April 5 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Mabee Ballrooms, 3rd Floor Ragsdale

Career and Professional Development has an exciting event coming up that provides internships, part-time and full-time job opportunities for students – the Spring Job Fair. Please take a moment to learn about this event below.

Spring Job FairThursday, April 5 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Mabee Ballrooms, 3rd Floor Ragsdale Center

The St. Edward’s University Spring Career Fair provides an opportunity to network with employers interested in hiring students and alumni for full-time job opportunities. This event will allow students to meet with visiting representatives to discuss career opportunities.
We have had over 30 organizations register and companies are still battling to get in on the fair! To see who is coming and what positions they are hiring for, please click here.
How can Career and Professional Development help students prepare for these events?
If you need help sprucing up their resumes, please take advantage of the following services we provide:
Additionally, please attend the following Meetup:
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Career and Professional Development in Moody Hall 134.

Natural Sciences Senior Seminar Symposium – Friday, Mar 23, 2-5 pm

The annual Senior Seminar Symposium is tomorrow, Friday Mar. 23 from 2-5 pm.  Please come support NSCI students as they present their research to the community!


Program At A Glance -SS.Sp18-2moel0r

Certificate in Hands-on Nanotechnologies

For the past two years, St. Edward’s University has been in a partnership with the UT-Austin NASCENT Nanotechnology Center to offer a Certificate in Hands-on Nanotechnologies that consists of 3 online courses with portable nanotechnology labs.
Course 1:  Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials  (summer)
Course 2:  Nanodevices (following summer)
Course 3:  Nanotech Innovation (fall semester after Course 2)
Students register through the UT system and credit for each course transfers back to SEU as PHYS 3345 Special Topics in Physics and can count toward a minor in physics.  Crisel Suarez, who graduated this past May as a math major, recently completed the program and is now enrolled in the Fisk-Vanderbilt Bridge Physics PhD Program to study photonics.  If you register for Course 1 for this summer or have any questions, please contact Paul Walter (pauljw@stedwards.edu).

Dr. Kirk Jensen Biology Seminar, Carter Auditorium, Friday 3/2 at 5 PM

The Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to host Dr. Kirk Jensen, Assistant Professor from the University of California, Merced. His talk is entitled: “Hacking the immune system: a parasite’s perspective”.  Dr. Jensen‘s work further extends into the role of pathogens in auto-immune gut disorders such as Crohn’s Disease. Carter Auditorium. Friday 3/2 at 5 PM (pizza at 4:30 PM)

Dr. Michael Reiser Seminar 2/26 5PM in Fleck 305

The Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to host Dr. Michael Reiser, a Senior Group Leader from the HHMI Janelia Research Campus for an upcoming seminar. His talk is entitled “Why are flies so hard to swat? The circuits and computations for motion vision in fruit flies”. Dr. Reiser is a pre-eminent scientist combining neurobiological, computer science, and engineering approaches to understand neurological control of animal behavior.

Fleck 305. Monday, 2/26 at 5 PM (pizza at 4:45 PM)

MIT Summer Research Program Info Session, Fri. 3/16 @ 3 PM in JBWS 267

Dr. Mandana Sassanfar (mandana@mit.edu) will be at St. Edward’s on Friday 3/16 at 3 PM in JBWS 267 to answer questions and establish connections with students interested in applying to the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) in Cambridge, MA. There is a Biology-specific MSRP and a general MSRP for other scientific disciplines. Information about both programs can be found here:



Please note that we are past the deadline for applying for this summer; this info session’s benefit is to lay the groundwork for future summer research. This is an excellent opportunity and experience for any student interested or curious about going to graduate school.