About Gary Morris

Dean of the School of Natural Sciences at St. Edward's University.

Steelcase Active Learning Center Press Release

St. Edward’s University has issued a press release about our recent Steelcase Active Learning Center grant award.  Furniture installation in JBWN Room 206 will commence this summer.  Get ready for a new, interactive learning space to come online for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.

Save the Teachers

From Paul Walter:

Angie Lux ’12, a former biology student and Noyce Scholar at St. Edward’s, was recently featured in an article on the SEU webpage.  In the article, see discusses how she developed a love for science and the impact that the Robert Noyce Scholarship Program directed by Prof. Steven Fletcher has had on her career as a teacher in secondary education.

Spring 2016 NSCI Advisory Board Meeting

In his two years as Dean of Natural Sciences, Dr. Gary A. Morris has enjoyed meeting with the NSCI Advisory Board each semester.  This spring’s meeting marked a special occasion as Dr. Bob Wilems (’63) handed over the reigns as chair of this board to Nick Cristea (’09).  The members of the Advisory Board thanked Bob for his many years of service leading the board and look forward to his continued contributions as a member of the board.

Bob Wilems (right) hands off leadership of the NSCI Advisory Board to Nick Cristea (center), with Dean Gary A. Morris (left).

Bob Wilems (right) hands off leadership of the NSCI Advisory Board to Nick Cristea (center), with Dean Gary A. Morris (left).

This spring’s agenda featured a visit by CS Prof. Bilal Shebaro and students from his mobile app class, Sophie Gairo, Gage Martin, Marisa Bisaga, and Chloe Becker.  They presented their work leading a session at the CCSC conference (held at SEU earlier this month) on mobile app development in which they taught current CS professors how to build mobile apps.  The also talked about their experience during the Apple TV hack-a-thon as well as the new opportunities provided by the NSCI seats at the Capital Factory.

Next, Munday School of Business Dean Nancy Schreiber and Career Center Director Ray Rogers presented information on our internship matching program with the Austin Tech Council and the developing and deepening relationships between NSCI and MSB students and programs.

Dr. Morris gave an overview of 2015 – 2016 accomplishments in NSCI, including faculty publications, student awards, and recent grant awards (including the Steelcase grant).

Mr. Michael Lykaios Guerrero presented information on our existing 3+2 engineering partnerships, our partnership with Notre Dame for the ESTEEM program, and our developing partnerships in the health professions.

Mr. Michael Morelius and Ms. Kristina Bachman then gave a presentation on 2015 – 2016 accomplishments in Advancement, with special attention to pledges and contributions to NSCI and Wild Basin.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch around noon.  Many Advisory Board members then attended the annual Senior Seminar presentations.

Dr. Laura Baker Receives Distinguished Career Award

At the Faculty Recognition Gathering on Wednesday, 20 April, Dr. Laura Baker received the Distinguished Career Award from St. Edward’s University, recognizing her outstanding contributions to teaching, scholarship, and service.  Dr. Baker has taught over 600 sections of courses and 4700 students in her time at St. Edward’s, all while frequently serving as Department Chair or Department Head.  Congratulations to Dr. Baker.  (We proudly note that the winner of this award has come from NSCI both of the last two years:  Dr. Bill Quinn was last year’s winner.)

Dr. Baker receives the Distinguished Career Award from SEU surrounded by her CS faculty colleagues.

Dr. Baker receives the Distinguished Career Award from SEU surrounded by her CS faculty colleagues.


Celebrate Earth Day (22 May) with NASA

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden sent around email this morning reminding all NASA researchers of NASA’s celebration of Earth Day:  “At NASA, it’s Earth Day every day…”

You can follow NASA’s Earth Science Field Missions over the next 6 months on the Earth Expeditions page.

NASA has launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #24Seven for people worldwide to upload photos of what they’re doing to celebrate Earth Day and improve our planet.

NASA will share “a day in the life” of Earth Science through a series of images on the 24Seven website.

What did you do to celebrate Earth Day?  Add a comment to this post.


Math Professor Carol Gee Quoted in Austin Statesman on Ride-sharing Safety

Check out the article in Friday’s Austin Statesman.

Thanks, Carol!

Compete to Put an Experiment on the International Space Station: Go-for-Launch at St. Edward’s University, 11 – 13 July 2016

St. Edward’s University is delighted to work with Higher Orbits to host its first Go-for-Launch camp this summer, 11 – 13 July.  Teams of high school and college students will learn leadership skills and teamwork.  An astronaut will be in residence for the entirety of the camp.  With the help of all the mentors, student teams will design an experiment for the International Space Station (ISS).  A panel of experts will judge the student proposals, and the winning project will be built, flown to the ISS, and conducted on the ISS.  If the launch occurs in the USA, the winning team will receive an invitation to attend (travel costs not included — but seeing a rocket launch is really cool).

The cost of the three-day camp is $250, which includes lunch and snacks each day.  This is a day camp only (no housing).

Click here to register today!

Note that scholarships will be available, and there is an option on the registration form to register for as little as $10 with a commitment to fundraise with Higher Orbits partners (PopCorn Factory and FannieMae)!


For those of you who are NOT students, we are still recruiting mentors for the camp.  Contact Dean Morris for more information.


St. Ed’s NSCI Alumna and Fulbright Scholar Featured in Story on Research to Combat Antibiotic Resistance

Jana Soares (Biology, ’15) is featured in a story released by the University of Technology Sydney on her Fulbright Scholar research project.  She’s working at UTS’s ithree institute to defeat antibiotic resistant bacteria using worms, antibiotics, and antimicrobial peptides in the battle superbugs against like pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the leading causes of infections acquired in hospitals. See the full story on her work, including some pictures from the places she’s visited around Australia.  Her work is sponsored by the Australian-American Fulbright Commission.

Jana plans to return to the US in the fall to pursue a graduate degree at the “intersections of science and business.”  Stay tuned to find out which lucky graduate school gets her to enroll!

And you can find out more about Jana’s adventures in Australia on her blog.

Event for Students – Reimagining Your Future: Business and Science Students in Laboratory Austin

Topic:             Reimagining your Future: Business and Science Students in Laboratory Austin

Who:  Current NSCI and MSB undergraduate students, facilitated by Bro. Richard Daley, with Dean Nancy Schreiber (MSB) and Dean Gary A. Morris (NSCI).

What:  A brainstorming workshop that empowers business and science students to collaborate with each other and develop the skills necessary to pursue a thriving career in Austin.  The outcome from your conversation will help the Deans identify ways to help you achieve your goals.


• Business students and science students develop collaboration and communications skills between the disciplines
• Learn about the skill sets needed to help fill Austin’s tech talent gap (i.e., how to increase your odds on getting hired in Austin)
Share your ideas for ways St. Edward’s University can help, programmatically or through extra-curricular activities
• Communicate directly with Dean Gary A. Morris (School of Natural Sciences) and Dean Nancy Schreiber (Munday School of Business)

Date:                Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Time:               3:30 pm – 6:30 pm includes dinner
Location:         JBWN 206

NOTE:  Registration is limited to 40 students (20 from MSB and 20 from NSCI).  Register here TODAY!

UPDATE:  As of 9:30 am on Thursday, 21 April, we have only 9 NSCI STUDENTS REGISTERED!  MSB has 20 students registered!  Help us out, NSCI Students!

CANCELLED: World Intellectual Property (IP) Day 2016 Comes to St. Edward’s

A conversation on how IP contributes to technology, music, and the arts.