LoBueNicole Blog Post #2

Part 1: Time Tracking

I took my spreadsheet and condensed it into a single pie chart using this website so I could easily see and analyze the proportions of time worked out for the recorded week. I divided my activities into seven categories: healthcare (red–mostly sleep and hygiene), personal activities (blue–grocery shopping and other things off campus), classes (grey green), homework (light green), relaxation (yellow), work-study (purple), and other (white–includes time walking between classes and generally non-designated time). So it went from this:

to this:

I was kind of surprised to find that I spent about the same amount of time relaxing as I did doing homework. Granted, a significant portion of the hours I spent doing homework were on Sunday, so that tells me I should spread out my homework more evenly between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (and that doing so wouldn’t infringe upon my time for other activities, just reduce Sunday stress). Apart from that, I feel my schedule is pretty well balanced. I know a lot of students–or the majority of my friends, at least–don’t make a point of going to sleep before midnight. I do this, and it’s a factor of my daily routine that can clearly be seen in the pie chart with the healthcare (red) section being the largest by far. I also give myself a lot of time to eat breakfast and dinner. Had I given “eating” its own section, I think that would be evident, too.

Part 2: High School Work

a dragon I doodled on my math homework and ended up really liking
just your casual doodle during French class
the result of much testing for drawing an open reptilian mouth
that time I tried to draw something fluffy
my first work done in Adobe Photoshop for my graphic arts class senior year
second graphic arts project, done for a friend going through a rough time. She requested a fox, a rat, and a shiba inu. I couldn’t work the rat in there in the end, but I liked the resulting piece. I wanted it to also incorporate her love of Japanese culture and her favorite color, mint green
third and final graphic art project before the end of senior year, made as a gift to my mom for mother’s day
a yawning tiger I drew just before college started. I forgot to mention in the other sketches but I don’t usually use references–I did decide to use one for the tiger though. The arms are a bit small but I like to think it’s a perspective thing


Honestly, I was completely and utterly lost the first time I read through the excerpt. Even a second read through did little to clear my confusion, so I simply let the thoughts ferment for a while in my mind before returning to compose my reflections on the material. The author spends the most time on—or what seemed to take up most of the passage, I should say—the concept of black and white. I probably came up with more questions than I did answers whilst thinking on it, but one thought that stuck with me was, from what I understand, the idea of black and white being the only ‘true’ colors. I usually think of black and white as opposites, but really, it’s more accurate to describe them as inverses of each other. In terms of pigmentation, black is all the colors combined while white is the absence of pigment. However, in terms of light, black is the absence of light while white is all the colors combined. Both black and white can be thought about and described as all colors combined, making them the ‘true’ colors, normal colors then simply being facets or parts of the whole, hence the designation of black and white as the only ‘true’ colors that initially confused me.

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