Blog Post #11

Part 1

Based on the notes you took during class, write a brief description and response to each of the faculty presentations.


Bob is my professor for History of Games so I already knew the majority of what he presented. Pinball was one of the very first games he played so it has a special place in his heart. Naturally, one of the first games he produced was a virtual pinball arcade for the PC that I’m pretty sure you can still play.


I also have Alex as a professor but I didn’t realize her children had made such an impact on her as an artist. I found her work a bit odd in all honesty, but not in a bad way. It’s uniquely hers, and that’s what I liked about it.


I also have Joe as a professor and I knew about his documentary project, but I didn’t realize he’d been working on it for so long. It was kind of jarring to see pictures that looked as though they were taken yesterday only to find out the subject was either grown up now, or, in some cases, dead.

Part 2

Reflection on this semester and course. Feel free to write any and all comments here. We want and appreciate your feedback (both positive and critical).

I enjoyed the variety of presenters you set up for the class. I found some more engaging than others, but overall good experiences. I honestly don’t feel like I gained much from the class though and don’t feel like it needs to be a required course for all majors in visual studies.