LoBueNicole Blog Post #4

Part 1

Project 1:

  1. What was the goal of the assignment? Or what was the question posed by this assignment?

    The goal of this assignment was to take pictures from the sets we took on South Congress and cut them into strips to distort the image into something new.

  2. How did you go about reaching this goal or answering this question?

    I went about reaching this goal or answering this question by cutting a picture I’d taken of a flower and randomizing the order of the strips. I decided to leave the white border on some of the strips to give the piece a feel of being broken into pixels. It didn’t necessarily work very well but I’m glad I tried it.

Project 2:

  1. What was the goal of the assignment? Or what was the question posed by this assignment?

    This is the most recent (and final) physical collage project. The assignment challenged us to do something different.

  2. How did you go about reaching this goal or answering this question?

    I went about reaching this goal or answering this question by assembling something I hadn’t seen any of the previous collages in my class do, which was have the collage actually lift off the page to mimic a real butterfly. I also hadn’t seen anyone attempt to construct some sort of animal out of shapes cut out from their pictures so I thought it’d also be something interesting and different.

Part 2

  1. What is the strongest aspect of this work?

    The uniqueness of it.

  2. What is the weakest aspect?

    The craftsmanship–it could have been done with better paper and cut with more precision. I think this would have been good for like a first draft of the project.

  3. How can the project be strengthened conceptually?

    I think the colors could have been brighter so the images would be more easily visible.

  4. How can the project be strengthened technically?

    Better quality paper and cleaner cuts–a second draft.

  5. Additional notes.

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