LoBueNicole Blog Post#1 1st Year Visual Seminar

Part 1:

  1. What are the main points of each article?

First Article: 1) Artists are “neophiles,” 2) artists are humanists, 3) artists are craftspeople, 4) artists are like children, 5) artists rely on their intuition, 6) artists are comfortable with ambiguity, 7) artists are holistic, interdisciplinary thinkers, 8) artists thrive under constraints, 9) artists are great storytellers, 10) artists are conduits and not “masters of the universe,” 11) artists are passionate about their work, and 12) artists are contrarians

Second Article: Both artists and entrepreneurs are driven by passion, find themselves having to veer towards demands of the market, must learn to deal with the realities of life, business, and their own limitations.

  1. What can artists learn from their “entrepreneurial cousins”?

Artists can “follow the lead of their entrepreneurial cousins and leverage the many resources available to remove the burdens of doing business as an independent artist.”

  1. Do you agree that artists are entrepreneurs? Why?

Yes–artists make their ideas a reality, just as entrepreneurs do, and both bring something new and exciting to the world.

  1. Which of the 12 characteristics of artists do you agree with?

I strongly agree with point number 6, that artists are comfortable with ambiguity.

  1. What others would you add to the list?

I can’t think of anything I would add to the list.

  1. Additional thoughts.

Both are interesting articles.

Part 2:

  1. Do you have grit, or is this something you need to work on?

I scored 3.36 on the grit scale, so I’d say I have a decent amount, but it’s not necessarily a strength of mine.

  1. List a couple of things you could do to increase your level of grit.

Stop procrastinating and get done what needs to get done.