


Walking, always walking / Always together, always the purpose. / I imagine her a young woman / Full of life, / Brimming with the opposite of fear, whatever that may be.

Featured Artist - Brian M. John

Featured Artist – Brian M. John

“On one hand, I utilize the juxtaposition of different types of images (the representative in opposition to the pure abstraction) and on the other, conflicting sensory data (the sense of ‘timefulness’ in the audio recording as opposed to the static images). Both are methods by which I attempt to jolt the viewer into a more complicated relationship with these images, and images generally.”

Dr. Lori Swick - Dreaming as a Sacred Art

Dr. Lori Swick – Dreaming as a Sacred Art

“The most important thing is to really honor your work. Honor what you write, love what you write. Honor it so that you can go back to read it and revise it over and over and not get tired of it. By honoring it, you are honoring yourself and honoring the work you’re doing.”