
Film Review: Six You Haven’t Seen in 2013

Film Review: Six You Haven’t Seen in 2013

Last year also had some true gems that are easily overlooked – movies that never got much of a wide theatrical release, but are for their own reasons equally affecting, if not more so, than anything else showing in the past twelve months. Here’s six of the best, all worth seeking out.



In this line of work, grudges are collected like acquaintances. Most come in and out of your life until they lose their usefulness and are forgotten. Others blossom into full-blown hatred. Doesn’t take much. This job, no matter how hard you try, doesn’t stay impersonal.

Marta Pelrine Bacon - On Art and the Creative Process

Marta Pelrine Bacon – On Art and the Creative Process

“Art means the freedom to express myself and to be myself. I can be alone in a room for hours and focus on creating something, and the limits are only my own skills. Art is that hard to pin down and explain part of the brain that nonetheless demands attention. But in a way, trying to explain what art means to me is like trying explain what air means. I can’t live without it.”

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