Warm Bodies

“Warm Bodies” review


by Steven Grant


I went to see Warm Bodies at the Regal Metropolitan Stadium 14, right by my apartment complex, on March 14, 2013.

This movie placed a zombie as the lead character, and the first scene is mostly internal monologue. It also shows them being able to communicate with each other, something which this reviewer had never seen in a zombie movie before.

Also, zombies in this movie were able to be healed by the power of love. Before they turned into monsters, they could be made human again. The main character falls in love with a human girl, and takes her to his apartment, which happens to be a plane parked out on the flight line.

By the end of the movie, the main character is human again, dating the girl whose love was responsible for turning him back. The humor throughout reminded me a little of Zombieland, but the idea of turning people back into humans has never been seen by me in a zombie movie before. The closest thing to it was a vampire movie I saw where the vampires could be turned back to humans by receiving a blood transfusion of uninfected blood, but never in a zombie movie, to my knowledge.

All-in-all, the movie was very entertaining and quirky. It was different than any zombie movie I have ever seen. It basically teaches the viewers that, just because the zombie apocalypse ruined the world, it is still possible to find true love.


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