What is Primal Eating?

by Daniella Smith

Primal, Paleo, Ancestral—I am sure you have heard about one of these “diets” by now. They have been gaining great popularity over the past five years, although research has been conducted for over 15 years. The “primal eating” I speak of should not be confused with The Primal Diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, written in 1997. His diet focuses on raw foods, not necessarily what our ancestor’s ate.
Primal Eating is based upon eating wholes foods, and eliminating processed and refined food products. Basically, if it comes in a package of any kind, it is not to be consumed.

It is similar to the Atkins Diet and Eating Clean (by Tosca Reno). The premise of this diet or lifestyle as I like to see it, is essentially that of mimicking our ancestors diet. This is not a historical reenactment by any means, rather a return to the foods humans would have enjoyed in their hunter-gatherer days.












Included items are: meat, fish, poultry, vegetables (low starch, high fiber and nutrients), eggs, seafood, fish, fruits (in moderation- low sugar, high nutrients), nuts and seeds. I also include a moderate amount of grass-fed, low-temperature pasteurized or raw milk products, which is accepted only in these forms. Generally, this way of eating excludes all grains and pseudo-grains (like quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat), legumes, processed sugar, and highly-processed vegetable oils, such as canola and sunflower oils. And yes, that means no ice cream, cookies or candy. Not the conventional kind anyway, but more on that later. Now, why are some items accepted and others excluded?

It is believed that eating lean meats that come from grass-fed, pastured sources have higher levels of healthy Omega 3’s and higher levels of ALA. These fats are an integral part of the body and mind. They increase cognitive function, decrease the risk of heart disease, and reduce overall inflammation, which is a key component of all modern disease. Carbohydrates are limited to fruits, vegetables, and starchy tubers, such as sweet potatoes. There is not one nutrient in whole grains that cannot be found in other non-processed foods. Suggested daily intake of carbohydrates if eating the primal way is anywhere between 50-150 grams. This depends on your health goals and your exercise intensity and frequency.

There is also a focus on increasing your healthy fats. This could include olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, macadamia oil, grass-fed pastured butter, and ghee to name a few. Healthy fats helps to provide satiety, as does fiber. If you incorporate those into your life, you will feel full and satisfied longer and it will help to prevent blood sugar spikes.

Mark Sisson’s 8 Key Concepts for Primal Living:

1. Yes, You Really Can Reprogram Your Genes
2. The Clues to Optimal Gene Expression Are Found in Evolution
3. 80 Percent of Your Body Composition Success Is Determined by How You Eat
4. Grains Are Totally Unnecessary
5. Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Are Not Your Enemy
6. Exercise is Ineffective for Weight Management
7. Maximum Fitness Can Be Achieved in Minimal Time With High Intensity Workouts

My “Small Steps” Recommendations For Beginners:

1. Increase Healthy Primal Foods
2. Start By Eliminating Gluten
3. Eliminate Grains
4. Eliminate Pseudo-Grains
5. Eliminate Or Reduce Your Sugar Intake
6. Eliminate Or Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
7. Begin Or Tailor Your Exercise to The Primal Blueprint

By taking small steps and breaking this new lifestyle into more manageable pieces, you are more likely to succeed and not become overwhelmed in the process. In fact, I am about to embark on the exercise element of this lifestyle. So, join me in my journey. Next, we will explore Exercise-Part 2, where I will highlight some of the basics of primal exercise. We will also explore additional elements as outlined in Mark Sisson’s, The Primal Blueprint 8 Key Concepts. You can also follow me on my blog at: http://theancestraleatsproject.wordpress.com. Here you will find some helpful info-graphics, recipes and other websites that I frequent. Enjoy!


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