Stockton Beach

by Daniel Haverty

the water looked like a maelstrom of micro rainbows and arced splashes,

and yet there were patches of open water, still and shining like glass.

visions of celestial hail storms with crimson sashes

the scent of lilac permeates the salty air

oceans transcend into rivers that refract the sky with cloudy patches

a hum of voices transcends the silence

light penetrates the mirror surface with prismatic rods and crystal lashes

these visions of buried thought are apparent to those without despair

2 Responses

  1. Luis at |


    You really captured the mindset of personal sanctuary a beach can hold for someone. Great Poem! It makes me see a beach in a new perspective.

  2. Melissa at |

    The crystalline imagery is so vivid, it feels like the poem itself shines and reflects. The way the ocean glitters and comes alive, I love it. It makes me miss the ocean terribly. Thank you for sharing.


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