Buying My Time in Bulk

Time Bulking
Every so often, as time permits, I get into the kitchen for a 4-hour production. This production entails cooking multiple meals at the same time. I typically try and identify a meal that can be made into mass quantities by crock pot (i.e. soups, etc) or by stove (casseroles), etc. all to be divided into smaller portions and frozen for busy weeknight meals. I like to cook, so while this process may seem dauting for some, I find it enjoyable. I put my favorite music on and begin the process. Sometimes I get out in under 2 hours, it just depends on the time you have. Here are some of my favorite meals that I like to make in bulk.

• Pasta Casseroles: Baked Penne, Baked Ziti, Lasagna, Rigatoni, Chicken Tetrazzini (defrost, throw in oven after busy workday and move onto something else)
• Soups: These are easy to make and pair nicely with a quick grilled cheese sandwich, quesadilla or tortilla, if it’s tortilla soup. Lentils get paired with rice. (defrost, warm in oven)
• Chicken Casseroles: Chicken Broccoli paired with rice, chicken zucchini (defrost, warm in oven)
• Pre-marinated meats: fajita chicken, pork, beef (defrost, throw on grill and pair with salad or fast sides)
• Pre-chopped vegetables: if I plan to do a stir fry, or want to cook a 15 min meal, I will spend the prep and chop time ahead (store in fridge, cook when you’re ready that week, no prep work)

This  Greek Chicken Slow Cooker Recipe is nice if you are looking for a healthy all-in-one dish meal.

Here is a picture of what some of this process looks like. On this date, I was maximizing my time by running the Instant Pot, Slow Cooker and Stove at the same time. Bon appetite! Save the time for whatever downtime you can squeeze.

Apparently I’m not the only one who finds value in bulk cooking. Check out this video!

One thought on “Buying My Time in Bulk

  1. “Buying My Time In Bulk” is a concept that many individuals are embracing in today’s fast-paced world. It involves making efficient choices to reclaim valuable time for more meaningful activities. Whether it’s outsourcing household chores, hiring experts for repairs and maintenance, or utilizing services like to address appliance issues swiftly, the idea is to free up time for what truly matters. By streamlining tasks and investing wisely in services, people are finding innovative ways to balance their busy lives and prioritize experiences over mundane tasks.

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