It’s Juggling, Not Multitasking

It’s Juggling, Not Multitasking

When someone says that I multitask, it is an underestimate. However, there are so many articles suggesting that multitasking is not a good idea, that mistakes can happen and it’s down right not healthy.   I agree with that assessment. I guess in a sense, I don’t multitask…but rather, juggle multiple balls in the air at one time. Think about it, a juggler only holds one ball at a time. It is the illusion of the motion that makes you think they are moving all the balls at the exact same time. This is not the case. In fact, the best jugglers have a rhythm to their balancing act. For working moms, a rhythm is found with organization. I found this article on Good Housekeeping’s Website titled “11 Scheduling Secrets of Busy Moms” and found some of the tips insightful for organizing the chaos that is our day-to-day.  I enjoyed some of the tips on here, not all of course. Some were similar to my pillars talked about in my last blog, i.e. outsourcing, buddy system or soliciting help. I still need to work on some of these, like that whole morning thing. LOL. I must be honest, we have a shared family calendar on the iCloud and without it I literally would be lost. Okay, maybe not lost but rather in the wrong place.

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