Author Bio

Author Molly Wier in lavender linen shift dress by esby apparel, with her blonde, fluffy mixed-breed dog Lucy in background.
It’s me! Linen shift dress by ethical + sustainable brand esby apparel.


My name is Molly Wier and I live in Austin, Texas, with my super sweet senior dog Lucy. I’m an animal lover; a music lover who’s constantly singing; a lover of streaming series’s; a comedy lover and frequent quoter of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm; a dedicated Murderino, a.k.a. a fan of the My Favorite Murder podcast; a fan of non-fiction, especially David Sedaris & Brené Brown; and last, but not least: a lover of fashion, shopping, and wardrobe styling.

I have loved fashion ever since I can remember. I’m always paying attention to what people are wearing. I believe we each have the potential to develop an amazing personal style that helps us look and feel our best, while also showing off our authentic, unique personalities to the world. Today, there are few things in life that make me as happy as wardrobe styling for my friends and family.

I’m pursuing a Master’s of Science in Digital Marketing and Analytics at St. Edward’s University, where I also completed my undergraduate studies in entrepreneurship. I worked 12 years in boutique retail, first sales then management. I’ve also done some professional wardrobe styling on the side for brands Stitfchfix and MM LaFleur.

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