Tacos and Hippies: Gospel Brunch in ATX

One of my favorite taco joints in Austin is Maria’s Taco Xpress on South Lamar. Tacos are cheap and a plenty and the salsa/condiment bar is more than satisfactory. Plus, the place just feels and looks like a Texmex Disneyland the way that it is decorated. My friends and I have being going to Maria’s for some time, but until last weekend we had never beheld their claim to fame – their famous Sunday morning Gospel Brunch. To say the least, it was a uniquely Austin experience.

We have seen live music before at Maria’s – mostly cowboy crooners – but nothing we had seen could prepare us for Gospel Brunch. The band playing when we made our way to Maria’s last Sunday was all about soul and funk and living the music. Alternating between gospel music and Stevie Wonder covers, the band jammed out to eight minute songs, dancing almost as much as they were playing their instruments. But that’s not all. On the dance stage in front of the band could be found what seemed like all of the elderly hippies of Austin. Draped in tie-dye and sporting long flowy white hair, about a dozen hippies over 60 were dancing up a storm, shaking their arms and closing their eyes with the music.

It was a sight to behold and a perfect complement to my migas taco breakfast.

So, if you ever have a rough Saturday night and need some good vibes and good food, go to Maria’s. They’ll make all your problems go away with breakfast tacos, soul music, and hippie hugs.

About Hannah Thornby

In a perfect world, I would be the female Anthony Bourdain, getting paid to travel, eat, write, and develop my own brand of cool. For now, I am a student at St. Edward's University, bent on honing my writing skills and exploring. I started with Austin, where I started conquering the city one taco at a time. Now, I'm in France, ready to take on a new culture, language, and anything else that might come my way.
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