Typography I – Type Specimen Poster


This was one of the most exciting projects for me to make. Jimmy gave us each a quote from butdoesitfloat.com. Mine was from Jeff VanderMeer’s “Annihilation,” and I named my font after the first part of the quote: “I leaned in closer.” I looked into the book for inspiration, and when I learned it was about exploring the jungle, I immediately got the idea of a creepy-crawly font. I wanted to capture the spirit of the jungle, of the danger the characters face and the feeling of being watched in the eyes of the A’s, E’s, etc. For the posters, I wanted to mix the content-centered design of the specimen sheet we’d produced earlier with the wildness of the font. I chose the simple, centered design to present the font, like in the second and third designs. I then considered how I could add some chaos. For the first design, it was by tilting the orientation of the design and adding a different colored drop-shadow. With the second poster, it was playing around with the risograph’s opacity features. In the third design, I added one big letter I wanted to show off to off-set the neat and compact specimen. For the final poster, I wanted to push the boundaries of disorder. I wanted to capture that jungle spirit–the danger and the wildness–while still remaining concise and readable.

Typography I – Display Typeface


This project had us present a display font on a specimen sheet. Since the sheet was more about the content, I wanted a simply and straight-forward design that focused on the font itself. I made sure the content was neat and centered, and opted to use the font itself for headers and labels so viewers wouldn’t be distracted by a font change. I feel like this project helped show me how to use design to emphasize the content instead of the design itself.

Typography I – Monogram


This was my first design project, and I sort of have mixed feelings about it. I didn’t have much of a concept outside of “make your initials out of the shapes provided.” But looking back, I see that the concept was more about working within constraints and turning something simple and generic into something new and unique. I’ve had to step out of my comfort zone and break boundaries a lot while studying design, and seeing my first step shows me how much I’ve learned. While the content expresses just my initials, the design shows my ingenuity as a designer and artist.

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