Thank you for stopping by my blog.
My name is Matt, and I am a serial tinkerer, mostly with guitars, but I dabble in a few other projects as well. I started this page as a class assignment while working on a masters degree, and hopefully, I will continue to maintain once I finish the program.
Here’s the thing, being a bit of a tinkerer, I always have half-finished projects all over the place. My wife doesn’t enjoy all my messes laying around the house, but she puts up with me. A bit of early advice, make sure to keep your spouse happy; otherwise, you can’t keep up these type of pursuits. Hopefully, throughout this journey, you will join me as I complete these projects.
This blog will focus on how I started building and modifying my guitars, and I will share my resources, so you do these yourself too. Every so often, I will share a story about why I’ve taken the journey I have. Occasionally, you will read about one of my crazy ideas or stories about specific gear. However, most of the content you will find will relate to what I’ve learned on my journey to create my unique sound. Most of this journey focused on electric guitar pickup building, so stay tuned for future posts about my successes and failures.
Anyway, welcome to my page and I hope you come back as I put together more and more content and hopefully inspire you Mr./Mrs. Reader to tinker a bit yourself.