blog #2

After I read the High Concept article, I took an online test to find out if I have more left brain or right brain tendencies. My results were 67% right-brained, which made me feel pretty good after what this article had to say. I never really thought about this new “conceptual age,” but i completely agree with the author in his argument that in order to be successful in this age, you must use innovation and creativity in order to transcend our abundant society. It honestly made me feel good because I’m not the kind of person to excel in math or science, but I can make music or create concepts with photography. The article reaffirms that R-brained people, while not excelling at difficult logic-based tasks, are just as if not more capable than those that are L-brained – every mind has different strengths. I think a person’s perceived intelligence can often be quickly jeopardized simply because they’re not good at something like math, when in fact they can be as brilliant as anyone.

“What is Design” was a bit harder to read, but it offered a really good background on design for someone new to art and design. I especially enjoyed that it has examples of design and how it has been implemented in throughout history and different cultures. It was a lot to take in, but worth reading especially since I’m new to design.

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