March Blog '15

March 29th, 2015

As the heavy stream flowed through the bed of rocks, I heard birds chirping at a close distance. All the flowers have begun their pungent adventure through the Green Belt. I am here simply to walk my dog and enjoy the day with my significant other. I found a quiet place to basque in the tranquility of growth. The feelings that bring me closer to nature are blossoming at their fullest. Most of this section of the Austin area is abundant with life, the water brings a wide variety of ecosystems. There are small creatures billowing away in the water; mosquitos carry around their bodies from left to right. Birds and flowing water is all I hear at this very moment.

The differences are hardly stark. The green forest is lush in comparison to the earlier parts of the year. I have found myself completely enchanted with the amount of wildlife that had procured during this month. Rainfall is not shy of a week away, and the sun is finally coming out more habiturally. Crickets begin their songs in the distant towering limestones. As I explored deeper, I found a crevice between the largest limestone I had seen in my life. The air was cool from natural refridgeration between the stream and the cold stone.


I have come to appreciate nature’s finest details in this place. Spring treats this area very well, and I wish to see it prosper in the years to come.


“It is inconceivable to me that an ethical relation to land can exist without love, respect, and admiration for landd, and a high regard for its value.

– Aldo Leopold



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