March 2015 Henegar

Over the month of March I spent most of my time in the outdoors. I easily exceeded the minimum of an hour a week. I spent the first two Thursday’s of the month I went to Zilker park and walked the trail. Both days were good weather with a temperature between 65-80 degrees. Zilker is a different atmosphere than the other outdoor places I have been spending my time. Zilker is many more people, and dogs. Compared to wild basin, where dogs are not permitted, people and animals were in greater number at Zilker. Zilker proved to be a fun place to enjoy the outdoors with friends, and just hangout. The highlight of my March outdoor adventures would be the time spent at my friend’s family ranch. The ranch is located in Paige, Texas about 45 minutes outside the city. We packed up for spring break, and spent two days in her family cabin. The ranch is about 500 acres and is the home of many herds of cattle, 2 donkeys, and several exotic animals. We hiked during the daytime and fished in one of the 8 ponds. This was my first time fishing, and my friend taught me how to cast my line. I was surprised by how much fun I had fishing. I originally thought it was a boring activity, which is why I had never tried before. It was ultimately very relaxing. When the sun went down we built a campfire, roasted hotdogs, and enjoyed the evening air. The next day we woke up early and went hiking again along some of the trails that weave through the land. My friend led us to an area of restricted land where her grandfather had imported exotic animals. The animals encased in their own area of land included antelope, orks, elk, and gazelles. Her grandfather imported them for her grandmother, who was not able to travel to see these animals. The ranch was also filled with Mexican eagles and I was able to spot several cardinals. I saw many more animals than I have previously in other outdoor locations, which made this ranch trip the highlight of my March outdoor experiences. The final weekend of the month I spent time back at the trails of Zilker park. We went back passed the Barton Springs pool, down the creek to a secluded area. The weather outside was around 82 degrees. I felt it was hot enough to go swimming so I got in halfway. It felt so nice on my legs but was too cold to get my upper body wet. After swimming and watching the sun set, we called It a day. Over the course of the semester I have enjoyed most being able to watch the environments I visit change. From winter into spring I have been able to notice not only an increase in the plant life blooming, but an increase in the amount of animals I see and hear. Just around campus it is easy to notice the birds chirping and the bees pollinating. In reflecting over my stress levels I was pleased to find that my stress number was lower on the days I spent outside. Increasing my outdoor activity has decreased my stress level. I am looking forward to the month of April and for the temperature to be warmer outside, and the sun to always be out.

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