Hundley – April

My last trip to Blunn Creek was bittersweet; after having worked there first semester for my service learning project and spending time there this semester for my nature blog, it was tough leaving. I think that people often overlook Blunn Creek or take it for granted because it’s so close to school and they forget how unique the preserve actually is. Very few cities have a 40-acre nature preserve in the middle of all the hustle-and-bustle. Surprisingly, I didn’t see any wildlife except for a few birds; not a single rabbit, fox, or caterpillar even, showed up. I was rather confused as to why I didn’t see any, but as Leopold writes in A Sand County Almanac, “it is fortunate, perhaps, that no matter how intently one studies the hundred little dramas of the woods and meadows, one can never learn all of the salient facts about any of them.” I think that’s what this whole nature blog project has taught me: if you don’t understand something in nature, don’t question it. The greatest thing we as humans can do in our lives is be in harmony with nature, not sit there for years and try to understand it. Nature was, is, and always will be; I think that just about sums it up.


April 29, 2014

High Temp: 85 Low Temp: 66 Current Temp: 73 // Plate glass, sunshine blue skies without a single cloud

Blunn Creek Sunset 2


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