Ramirez, April/May

photo 1For my last blog, I went back to the same place I have been visiting for the past three months. Looking back at the first pictures, I realize how much things have changed, but it is hard to notice if you are not constantly aware. The 360 hill is mostly dry throughout the year, but as soon as temperature start warming up, the dry brown land suddenly becomes more vibrant. At the beginning I hardly ever witnessed life other than mine but as it warmed up I saw insects and birds.  Little by little leaves start sprouting  and even things down below the river start looking brighter. What I enjoyed the most these past three months was the view. The the city and nature divided by a red bridge. This Sunday, I witnessed more activity than usual. The temperature was 90F, it was hardly windy and the sun shined brightly. There were many birds in the sky and red ants on the tree. Again, I captured the tree’s silhouette. I can truthfully say fell in love with the lone tree. It makes me think of the past of this place and reminds me that our space is constantly changing. Even though this not a completely isolated area does not make it less beautiful. Like Aldo Leopold said, “There are degrees and kinds of solitude, an island on a lake has one kind; but lakes have boats and there is always a chance that one might land to pay you a visit. A peak in the clouds has another kind; but most peaks have trails, and trails have tourists” (24) the presence of other human beings in nature is appreciation. I developed a great appreciation for this part of Austin, and I plan to keep coming back every month, sit back and observe the view. “No matter how intently one studies the hundred little dramas of the woods and meadows, one can never learn all the salient facts about any one of them.” – Aldo Leopoldphoto 3photo 2

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