Leos March

For this week I decided to go outside to observe nature outside in the desert. I was in spring break, and went back to my hometown at El Paso. Because it was indeed spring break I was not very stressed, I would say a 3 of 10. I had been inside watching movies all day, so my head was hurting from watching to much television. I decided to go outside, to explore. I arrived at a little mountain area near the back of my apartments.


It’s the desert, but still there’s a beauty to to this land. I decided to wander into the desert. I had never actually done this and was curious to see what i would find. It was almost as Aldo Leopald said in The Sand County Almanac  “To those devoid of imagination a blank place on the map is a useless waste; to others, the most valuable part.” (176) I was walking around this area and I had to actually watch my step to not step or run into cactuses.IMG_2867

It was a challenge but I’ve been around similar terrain so I was used to it. As I was walking around I noticed that there really where no animals to be seen. There were a lot of bushes and desert plants. In the distance you could see the houses on top of the mountains. Makes you think how brave a person has to be to live on top of such a steep hill.


All this area was nostalgic to me and it felt right, refreshing. It was a big contradiction to the lush green trees found in Austin. After about a few minutes of just hanging around this area I noticed it was getting dark and decided to go back home. As I was walking back I heard a little crackle around the bushes. I ran back, but made a promise to myself to go back and find out what that noise was. When I got back home, I felt happy. The headache I had from watching too many reruns of Friends had faded and I did feel happier. An easy 1 of 10.

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