Ramirez February Nature Blog

For the sake of comparison, I have selected the same location to observe. The location has grown much foliage since I had last came the month prior. Spring is starting to take effect, the rock at the top of BLunn Creek shows a great view of the South most part of St. Edwards. This valley like part shows great growth. There is number of tree species starting to sprout alongside with an increase of biodiversity. By the simple sounds of nature I can hear that more animals have come to this location to feed. Water can be seen through the creek’s bend, which is a hopeful sign that there will be more inhabitants within this area. Pleasantly many more trees are around me, causing a colder sense of what it is. This small haven that I’ve known for two years has given me the opportunity to have a cool spot unlike any others. With closer examination of the creek water, it shows a small population of water creatures and an increase of  green moss like substances. This particular spot in the summer becomes very dry and arid. Hopefully this season has a beneficial effect on the overall growth for the year’s progress. My next nature blog will take me to a different state, hopefully i manage to find a place as soothing as this.

“We reached the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes. I realized then, and have known ever since, that there was something new to me in those eyes, something known only to her and to the mountain.”

—Aldo Leopold


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