Vargas February 2015

Today I decided to go to Zilker Park even though the weather was horrible, but it is definitely one of my favorite parks in Texas so I wanted to go even if it was dark and raining. I took a big blue blanket with me along with three huge jackets. It must have been around forty degrees outside. Where I was sitting, I was able to overlook the beautiful buildings in downtown. That is probably my favorite part about Zilker, the fact the I’m laying in this huge green park but have the perfect view of the city life. The view was not as great as it usually is though because it was so cloudy and slightly raining. The great thing about Austin is that people are always outside and active, even though the sun was barely shinning and the ground was super muddy, there were still a ton of families enjoying the park with their dogs. It probably was not the perfect day to do the nature blog but the cool breeze and light raindrops on my face was really relaxing me, so I took advantage of it to get some work done. Most of the trees surrounding the park were dead and without their leaves; but still just as beautiful. I used this hour to reflect back on the week I had. I had been having so much work and stress that this break from reality was really needed. I recently got a job as a nanny taking care of a two-year-old and an eleven-year-old so it was nice to get some quiet, alone time. A number of dogs came up to me, begging for attention and a nice belly rub. I saw so many different breeds today, some completely new to me. After playing with them for a while, I got kinda sad because some of the small dogs in the park reminded me of my dog, Lola, back home. I decided to take my mind off of it so I laid down on my blanket, closed my eyes, and listened to the park visitors running around with their dogs or having simple conversations. It was kind of like people watching, but more like people listening. It was entertaining because I got to forget about my life for a little bit and focus on other people’s. From time to time I would look up and see the cloudy, gray sky and could feel the raindrops on my cheeks. An hour alone, silent, and without technology was exactly what I needed at this time. I felt so relaxed and carefree. I really like the quote on solitude in Sand County Almanac that reads “There are degrees and kinds of solitude. An Island in a lake had one kind; but lakes have boats, and there is always the chance that one might land to pay you a visit.” I like this quote because I feel like I understood what it was saying today at the park. I was all alone but at the same time I was surrounded by animals, trees, families, etc. So in reality there is no real solitude.


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