Benites, December 2014

Time has passed really fast this semester, During this time I learned a lot of important information about the animals, nature, ecological issues, and the harm that humanity is creating towards the environment. During the time I was exploring the nature in order to created my blog entry, I started to see nature in a different way. I was noticing every aspect of the insect, flowers, bird and weather. It was a fun and knowledgeable assignment, that also helped me realize how important is the environment as whole for future generation and for our own.

Looking back at my blogs that I created, during the semester I noticed all the changes that happened each month. At the beginning I began looking at the plants in September, during this month most of the time the weather was worm with a little of bit of rain every now and than. I spotted a two insects or more and 2 different types of birds around the  neighborhood park that I was exploring for my blog. At the beginning the park was dry without many biodiversity around, I often visit this park since this park is where I take my dog out for walks and to play, most of the time that I spend there I notice something different like the biodiversity in the park grow since the first time I started visiting the park. All this month the weather was hot with the scarcity of water the birds were not around that often that mostly happened at the beginning of the month, also this month an insect were in abundance for this park. In the last two weeks of this month the rain was seeing more often and the neighborhood park was getting greener and colorful, also it attracted more insects and animals. But what was really notable was the appearance of the scarab in the neighborhood park and all around the apartment complex, more than 200 in the park only. I think this happened because the city of Austin is expanding to fast without taking care of their biodiversity, they should have more green areas around the city. The next month the laves of the tree’s were falling into the ground, the color green color of the plants and tree was vanishing from them, most of the insects that were around for the past moth starting to disappear slowly while the could weather was getting into the Austin area.

While looking at the world cloud that was presented to us from our professor in the environmental science class, I started  looking at the bigger words such as Climate, Nature, Water, Time, Trees etc.., I realize that all of this are issues that society is facing right now and I’m concern about this problem and according to this world cloud my classmate’s are worried too. We have to understand that all the world that were bigger than other ones are, the most affected areas in the environment and the most important for human society. People may think that since this are the most noticed things that we can see outdoors people would be taking care of it, but that is not happening most of the time all of this environments are violated by human society. This is so unacceptable because like I mentioned before this resources are extremely important for human society, and the big question is why are we destroying our won planet. The following letter that are lest bigger such as Time, Different, Beautiful, Morning, Life, Think, See, trees, flowers, etc.. I was amaze when I started to analyze the sequence of the bigger to smaller, because as mentioned previously we are wasting the environment, all the beautiful things that we have now can be erase by clame change things like pretty morning. As you can see everything is connected, time, nature, life so that how I see it all the big words and the smaller ones are life itself, because trees, flowers, and the nature as a whole including humans need water, air to lived. Is ignorant to believe that after knowing all nature is expanding life for us we still keep destroying nature, by the expansion of cities with all their new building and business that eliminate green areas. This is something that has concern me and my classmate as I can see it reflected in the world cloud, something else that I can tell by looking at the world cloud is that most of the class my mates mentioned the must affected environmental issues, such as water and nature. The smallest words in the word cloud follow the path with words such as dried, shocking, edge, noticeable, etc.. I think what this means is that we are affecting the environment in a horrendous way in which there is a limit. I think that more actions should be take against this issues in order to maintain a clean an beautiful environment for futures generations. As stated earlier this word cloud has a path that started from the essentials of life such as water and air, following by the nature, and the influence that this represent for life for nature and human’s, than it leads to the issues that are affecting the environment and human society. As a society is going to be easier to work with each other to find a solution for the problems that we are creating to the environment.

During the semester I experience and learned many things about the environment, and the importance to it for human society and the nature. What I also learn is that  human society is creating a badly impact in the environment that can be harmful for nature and human society. However I also learned that there are many way that we can support this issue, and that something that, I’m going to encourage to people since I know the consequences this issues can generate. I think this project was really helpful, because we can see the effect that out action can have either in a good or bad way, and I think project like this should be implemented more often in order to created a society that is concern about their environment and can take care of it.


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