Pbarbans : November 2014

Week 1 :

This week I was at Mckinney Falls in Austin, it is not the good season to go there but I wanted to came back in November in this beautiful place. I went in September, it was the first time than i saw it, i found that wonderful. The rocks, lakes everywhere, very quiet, the paradise but one thing was horrible to me : the pollution. It was very polluted in some mini lakes it was impossible to try to go in. Then when i came back in November, the place was less polluted, so here the place change not because the nature changes but because human changes it, first he pollutes it then he tries to make it less pollute to keep the nature in good health. So here human makes good action in favor of nature and show than he cares about his environment.

Week 2 :

This week i was doing some shopping with my cousin and so passed all the day with her. To do that we stayed in Austin, with her car. And i realized something crazy here, we absolutely need a car to do something in Austin. The city is too much large, and if you haven’t a car here you can’t do anything. And so we make human dependent of car or conveyance. Since I came here, i didn’t feel this need to have a car to live. So I passed a long time in the car during this day, and so i decided to go to sit next to the theater of St Edward’s University, because from here we can have a good views of Austin. And from this views i can say than Austin is a huge city which expand his border to keep some garden, tree, green places in the city. But right now it is so huge than you need your care to go anywhere, so that start to destroy the environment. As we saw in class, carbon dioxide is a first reason of the climate changes which destroy environment. So in conclusion why have we huge cities to keep green cities if  in return we have to use some stuff which product a lot of carbon dioxide to destroy the environment and so green place? It’s better to have small cities where it is possible to not use always the conveyance to keep a environment more healthier.

Week 3 :

This week during the Saturday, it was raining and there were thunderstorms. That continue all the night. During the evening i needed to go to Teresa Hall from Dujarié Hall. So under the rain and the thunderstorm i was going to do the way. And just when i go out the casitas, the ground was under the water level, first time i saw that, also the thunderstorm was beautiful. So a day of rain and of thunderstorm, ground under the water level. Crazy situation. The next morning, i went around 9:30 am and the sky was beautiful, everything dry. I was very surprising, and wondering my self how in 12 hours the ground can be under the water, then dry. Here the weather is strange and surprising .

Week 4 :

This week the variation of temperature were totally crazy, in 1 week we had a huge variation of temperature. For three days we had negative temperature during the morning and never passed 14 °C during the day, then during two day we had until 26°C how in 1 week we can have a difference of more than 26°C. That can show how the climate is changing in our world and that can be the human print on the environment.

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