Ortuno Wild Basin-Sept. 2014

Its like falling in love, only better.

Thinking about the gorgeous scorching weather that has now passed, I cannot wait to get back out to Wild Basin for this next month now that the seasons have officially changed.

Path Reflect Grow

After a great afternoon of hiking and experiencing Wild Basin’s wilderness, I was not only too tan, but also energized and ready to go explore some more .

Some of my sights include fresh animal droppings, beetle on beetle combat. I was awesome learning about Golden- cheeked warblers and their highly specialized niches that allow them to nest only in Ashe juniper-oak woodlands.


My favorite view of the trip has to be erosion! How did this rock look in the past? What has it lived through? How many little critters tuck their precious progeny in the millions of little crevices, each one with its own history on how it came to be that is continuously developing. With the recent change of seasons, I am excited to see the changes in the ecosystems. Which species will leave; which will remain; which will come out of hiding? The specificity of nature to meet their needs is the most intense thing I can think of. All the biology, physics, chemistry, math?  that is happening at the atomic level is overwhelming, yet a plant makes it looks so easy.

Reflecting on this experience, something that was noted to me by Lilly, a Wild Basin intern, was the problems that arise with people who call Wild Basin “their” backyard. The possessive nature of people makes way for problems like introducing invasive species, unwanted garbage pollution, and small pets being eaten occasionally. Though people’s pets being eaten by coyotes might inconvenience and make owners sad, the real imposition is made on the land. Land which people dedicate their careers and time to preserve and care for. If it is “their” backyard, shouldn’t they want to have a healthy backyard?

“Every farm woodland, in addition to yielding lumber fuel and posts, should provide its owner a liberal education. This crop of wisdom never fails, but is not always harvested. “

When I returned for Wild basins’ volunteer day, I learned a lot about my leafy loved ones; the most notable thing I heard however was as the guide, Amy, was talking about how people are less likely to get out into nature if they have branches hitting them in the face as they are placidly walking. Then someone said, “That sounds like a good life lesson”.

I am enamored with all that the outdoors exposes us to. Its teachings are infinite and boundless. The opportunity to be in this place only grows my thanks. I pray God keep my senses in tact, and open my mind and heart to his world to be able to continue learning and to increase my awe and wonder at his work. Being in the outdoors grows my spirit, something I hope will help me move forward in my efforts to open up others to these experiences, gifts, and lessons of God to people.

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