Bake, september

On Sunday the 29th of August I went to Blunn Creek to do my first observation. I decided to go to Blunn Creek, because I have done volunteer work here before and it gives me a good feeling walking through this park. It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was sitting on rock looking around me. It was about 28 degrees Celcius, and there was a nice cool breeze in the air. The plants and trees looked very green for this time of the year. Right in front of me there was a little stream, I could see some small fish in the water, and a little frog sitting on rock. It was very quite, the only thing I could hear was the sound of water, and the sound of the wind blowing. The sun was going down slowly, which was a pretty sight. I see two birds chasing eachother, they had a bright red color. It feels like summer is over, and that fall is starting to come.


Blunn creek entrance  


“All conservation of wildness is self-defeating, for to cherish we must see and fondle, and when enough have seen and fondled, there is no wilderness to cherish.”


Exactly a month later on October 29 I returned to Blunn Creek. However, this time I decided to walk around and do my observations instead of sitting in one place. I remembered when I volunteered, that there was a very pretty spot where you could see an overview of Blunn Creek with St Edward’s distance; that was were I was headed. As I walked through the nature preserve, I saw a lot more life than the first time I visited. I heard something in the trees, I looked up and realized it was a squirell with a nut in its mouth. The squirell was looking at me in the corner of his black little eyes. I walked to the left to take a better look so I could take a picture. As I walked to the left, the squirell climbed on the other side of the tree to hide from me. So I walked back to where I was standing before to take a picture, but the squirell moved again. After about 5 times of me walking to get into a better spot to take a picture, the squirell decided to take a run for it. I did get a picture, but the squirell is vaguely seeible. I walked further and found the spot I was talking about earlier. I stood there for a couple of minutes to enjoy the view, when I heard something in the bushes. It was a huge salamander, probably the biggest I had ever seen. Again I tried to take a picture, but unfortunately the salamander ran away between rocks.
I decided to walk a little further. I saw this board that said “How Did Blunn Creek Come To Be”, Molten Rock and a Bubbling Volcanco Played a Part. Down here you can see it for yourself.

I enjoyed doing my observations here in Blunn Creek. It feels like you are walking to a forgotten forest in the middle of Austin, which should be visited more. It’s very close to campus and I realized it’s a great place to forget about you’re problems, and just enjoy the nature.


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