Zaragoza May

This past Saturday I traveled to Inks Lake State Park located in Burnet, Texas.  It was around nine at 8:40 and the sun had just gone down and the sky suddenly was dark. I sat and observed how everything surrounding started to change, from the smallest things like the insects and bugs to the stars and the moon. The dark sky started to fill with stars and the moon was barely starting to come out. Something interesting that I observed was as the moon started to rise the more the stars started to appear. I am not certain why this occurs, but my best guess is that the less light there is near the stars the more we are able to see them. It was incredible being able to see the amount of stars there were; something that we are not able to see and appreciate being in large cities.

During the day I had been able to see several insects, however as I sat at night while observing the sky, now I could listen to every sound and noise they made. The fact that during the night there was not much noise as it had been during the day, you could hear every noise clearer and louder. There were many beetles, from small ones to big ones; their colors varied from black, to dark brown, and lighter brown. There were also many ants and spiders, which they made themselves feel present as they crawled and bit my feet and legs.

The weather had been very hot during the day ranging between 85 to 90 Fahrenheit degrees; you could feel the humidity and the heat as the sun hit you. However, at that moment as the only light present was the one from the moon, you could only feel a warm and pleasant weather. There were several light breezes that refreshed you without making you feel cold, but pleasant. The temperature went down to around 70 Fahrenheit degrees like at around ten at night. Even though the pictures I have attached to this are not very well, you could see how the moon created a reflection on the lake and how it is the only light that you are able to see. It does not capture the amount of stars they were around it but it does reflect the nature and environment I experienced that night.

Moon & Lake

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