Crucet – April/May

As the spring months roll around so does the wildlife and rain throughout the austin area. Many different species of birds are chirping to attract a mate. I can see a few robins and crows around the banks and in the trees. One interesting factor that caught my attention was the lack of wildlife inside the water. Less than a mile upstream there I have seen minnows swimming downstream. Something must have blocked them from swimming downstream to this portion of the creak.


Algae has also accumulated again to restrict water flow at some points in the creek. Over the past couple weeks the water level has been decreasing at an obvious rate. IMG_7330

The algae cleared up again for the hundredth time this year. It left a very clear and fast rushing path for the water. The water levels still have not risen much over this week and show rapid signs of descending more in the future.

On april 30th i took my first trip back to the creek in about a week. As I had predicted the shore line has fallen back into the middle of the river leaving a tiny pool of stagnant water. The constructionhas to be the cause of this lack of water flow throughout the river. Although the higher elevated part is still full it is no longer flowing at a steady pace. IMG_7362

Over the past semester I have observed this location many different times resulting in many interesting findings. I really enjoyed this opportunity to interact with nature on a new level.

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